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Do you have a suspicion? Want to find out the truth?

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About us

Our office is able to provide information about companies and individuals, including addresses, assets they own, bank accounts etc., within 7 working days in most countries over the world.

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Years of experience in the field

Our Investigations Office Has been working in the field of marriage for many years and conducts the required investigations in the most professional manner.


Our firm employs dozens of professional and experienced private investigators who are highly skilled in performing surveillance, all licensed by the Ministry of Justice.

Global investigations around the world

The Office of Civil Investigation operates throughout the State of Israel as well as in many countries abroad, overseas. It does not matter if you are looking for a private investigator in the center or in the north of the country - if there is an offense, we will find it.

Authorized researchers

Every private investigator who works with us and with us is an excellent and experienced private investigator who has proven his abilities over the years, each researcher in his field and according to his specialization.

Our services

Our firm has over the years employed older and less experienced researchers, but common to all, who are excellent professionals in the detective and investigative industry. Our goal is to provide service to customers, in order to bring full value for their money, so the researchers are equipped with the best optical and electronic equipment and receive the best training available in the field of investigations!

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Customer 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sagittis hendrerit libero iaculis luctus. Nullam...


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sagittis hendrerit libero iaculis luctus. Nullam egestas porttitor scelerisque. Vestibulum sit amet aliquam elit. Nunc quis leo tempus erat tempus accumsan. Nam urna nulla, gravida nec elit vitae, scelerisque varius justo. Phasellus arcu mauris, malesuada quis ante in, efficitur mattis magna. Etiam in sem nibh. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Morbi non nisl eu purus posuere tristique.

Customer 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sagittis hendrerit libero iaculis luctus. Nullam...


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sagittis hendrerit libero iaculis luctus. Nullam egestas porttitor scelerisque. Vestibulum sit amet aliquam elit. Nunc quis leo tempus erat tempus accumsan. Nam urna nulla, gravida nec elit vitae, scelerisque varius justo. Phasellus arcu mauris, malesuada quis ante in, efficitur mattis magna. Etiam in sem nibh. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Morbi non nisl eu purus posuere tristique.

Customer 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sagittis hendrerit libero iaculis luctus. Nullam...


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sagittis hendrerit libero iaculis luctus. Nullam egestas porttitor scelerisque. Vestibulum sit amet aliquam elit. Nunc quis leo tempus erat tempus accumsan. Nam urna nulla, gravida nec elit vitae, scelerisque varius justo. Phasellus arcu mauris, malesuada quis ante in, efficitur mattis magna. Etiam in sem nibh. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Morbi non nisl eu purus posuere tristique.

C.I.B. Civil Investigation Bureau

C.I.B ,Civil Investigation Bureau, started in 1964. We are the leading private investigation office within the largest companies in Israel. The bureau conducts a wide range of investigations in many fields.

High risk insurance claims

Insurance claims submitted by seamen on one hand, and by individuals who think they got hurt due to medical malpractice on the other, are extremely high insurance claims. Approaching such investigations, which are intricate and complex, requires ingenuity and vast knowledge. We have acquired both. We work with “Zim”, the Israeli shipping company and Ofer Brothers on seamen claims and with MCI, Medical Consultant International on medical malpractice claims.In many cases we were able to discredit the allegations made by the claimants, as they appeared in the law suits and to minimize the compensation ruled in their favor in a court of law. (We can provide countless examples for such cases, where creative ingenuity helped to discredit the claimants).

Missing cargo investigations

We specialize in missing containers and goods that have “vanished” from shipments. We work extensively in this field in Israel and abroad. We have been working in this field with: Lloyds, Zim, the Israeli Port Authority and “Menora” insurance company. We also worked to retrieve air freight cargo that disappeared. In this area we mostly work with insurance company abroad, mainly in England.

Business intelligence

Obviously, we cannot detail who hired our services, but we can say that they are some of the largest companies in Israel, from every business sector, that wanted to know more about their competitors. The information acquired was done so legally, through ingenuity and disguise.

Smuggling of fruits and vegetables

We have been working with the Citrus Marketing board of Israel. These investigations entailed great danger: Tracking the smugglers and staking out the orchards, locating the sales location of the smuggled fruits while confronting the smugglers, most of which have impressive criminal records and are heavy drug users.

Special investigations

We also deal with investigations that do not fit neatly into any of the mentioned categories and span several continents (for example: an investigation that started in Israel, continued in Morocco, moved to France and more).

Why Hire Private investigator in Israel

There are many reasons why people contact private investigator in Israel. Whether there are troubles in intimate relationships, there is a growing suspicion of a business partner or whether there are other reasons for the inquiry – the process of investigation ought to be advanced, exhaustive and professional. To learn more about the role of the private investigator, and benefit his services, contact C.I.B. Established in 1964, this investigation office provides an excellent service, as its staff are experienced professionals. From conducting investigations before marriage, investigating bank accounts, economic investigations to personal investigations – C.I.B will assist you in every step of the way. Meir Naveh functions as the head of C.I.B. He holds an impressive experience as a private investigator – and will undoubtedly assist you throughout your search for the truth.

The important assistance of a private investigator in Israel

As we grow older, we become less naïve and a lot more realistic. Indeed, we are taught from an early age to trust our family, friends and neighbors. In reality, we gain a better understanding of the world we live in – and the many challenges it brings about. It is no surprise, then, that people contact private investigator in Israel. With the assistance of the private investigator, they will be able to acknowledge their great fears and affirm their suspicions.

When and how will the private investigator of C.I.B help you? First, and whether you think your spouse is cheating on you, your business partner has a secret bank account or whether there are other reasons and suspicions – the private investigator will gladly be up at your service. Moreover, and in order to carry out the investigation process successfully, the private investigators of C.I.B will implement various techniques and use advanced tools. In other words, we will take the proper actions in order to follow the truth –

C.I.B is one of the leading investigation offices in the country, as it holds an extensive training, experience and seniority. Furthermore, this professional investigation offices provides advanced services, while implementing high-end technological tools.

and provide the facts.

Investigate and offer the truth

The complex reality we live in forces us to open up our eyes – and inquire the wrongdoings and incidents that take place. If you too believe that your confidants betray you, now is the time to contact C.I.B. The experts of this investigation office will conduct the process adequately – and offer you the truth. For instance, a woman who is undergoing a messy divorce process has asked C.I.B to prove her husband is speaking negatively about her, and is responsible for her bad reputation. When we followed through the investigation, and questioned the husband, we found out that truth is much more complex than we imagined.

You ask - we answer

Duis eleifend felis non ligula consectetur vulputate. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent malesuada velit ac ante consequat, nec porttitor elit condimentum. Donec felis ipsum, tincidunt in mollis vitae, viverra ut erat. Sed commodo quis turpis vel placerat. Etiam nec magna massa. Integer ac mollis nibh. Fusce venenatis tortor in dui dapibus, consectetur luctus elit rhoncus. Ut luctus eros dolor, ac fermentum neque fermentum vitae.

Duis eleifend felis non ligula consectetur vulputate. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent malesuada velit ac ante consequat, nec porttitor elit condimentum. Donec felis ipsum, tincidunt in mollis vitae, viverra ut erat. Sed commodo quis turpis vel placerat. Etiam nec magna massa. Integer ac mollis nibh. Fusce venenatis tortor in dui dapibus, consectetur luctus elit rhoncus. Ut luctus eros dolor, ac fermentum neque fermentum vitae.

Bank investigations

We work with most banks in Israel in locating debtor’s property, place of residence, place of employment, etc.We work with: Bank Leumi, Bank Hapoalim, Bank Discount, The First International Bank of Israel, Mizrahi Tfahot Bank, Arab-Israeli Bank, Bank Igud, Bank Merchentile-Discount and mortgage banks.Moreover, we conduct these investigations for the private and business sector who require this information as well.

Marital investigations

In our office we have a special branch, we specializes in this field and is available to the public who needs it, in order to gather admissible evidence for family court and the rabbinical court.

Factory theft investigations

We work with large companies, some which have multinational corporations. These are sensitive investigations which involve workplace relationships (employee – employed) that require special sensitivity. Amongst our clients are: Osem, Straus, Lever, Naot, Nilit and more.

Copy right infringement investigations

These are cases where perpetrators forge or copy goods, whether physically or make illegal use of intellectual property, and drive down prices to the point of severely hurting the rightful makers of the products in Israel, or the legal importers in Israel. This is such a widespread phenomenon in Israel, that the reputation of Israel has been damaged and the State of Israel is known as a heaven for forgers.


The cases that we work on, which vary greatly and are detailed below do not have geographical boundaries. Therefore our company operates throughout Israel. Furthermore, we see ourselves as an international company, with a branch in the United States and we have conducted investigations in the following countries: United States (in most states which comprise it), England, Germany, France, Belgium, Greece, Romania, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Ukraine, Japan, Morocco, Jamaica, Venezuela, and many more.

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